Board of Trustees Elections General Information
The Blinn College District Board of Trustees consists of seven members who are elected by the citizens of Washington County. The seven elected trustees consist of one trustee from each Washington County Commissioner’s Precinct and three at-large. The elected positions are six-year terms. A candidate for trustee representing a county precinct district must be a resident of that precinct he or she seeks to represent for at least six (6) months prior to filing to be a candidate for the election. Further, candidates for at-large trustee positions must be residents of Washington County for at least six (6) months prior to filing to be a candidate for the election. Board elections are held in May of odd-numbered years. The next election will be held May 3, 2025. In order to be a candidate, a qualifying person must file an Application for a Place on the Ballot (Texas Secretary of State Form 2-26 or other updated form designated by the Texas Secretary of State) as well as an Appointment of a Campaign Treasurer (Texas Ethics Commission Form CTA or other updated form designated by the Texas Ethics Commission) with the Blinn College point of contact listed on this page.
May 2025 Election
Order of Cancellation of Election
Certificate of Unopposed Candidates
Order of Election - May 3, 2025
Notice of Deadline to File an Application for a Place on the Ballot